New! No installation. Just open the project file and press Play or Rec. Requires: Logic Pro X 10.5 or higher. Compatible with MacOS Seqouia 15.x, Logic Pro 11.x
What is required?
GarageBand™ is bundled software that comes free with the purchase of a Mac.
GarageBand™ for iOS can be downloaded for free from Apple to your iPhone, or iPad.
Logic™ is a professional music program called a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and is available in Express and Pro versions .
The newest 4k video: Flamencopercusión Sevillana
No installation!
You don't need to install anything. Logic, Garageband and Garageband iOS have everything on board. Open the downloaded files by clicking or tapping on the project.
Different palos (genres) played with FlamencoPercusión.
The Project Files
The ready-made project files save the tedious creation of your own patterns, or rhythm patterns. After opening them in GarageBand, you can immediately add an audio track and start recording. By moving, chaining, repeating patterns, you can create your own arrangements, or even use different patterns in the loop as an exercise template.
System requirements: GarageBand 10.2 or higher. Compatible with MacOS Seqouia 15.x, GarageBand 10.4.x
GarageBand Project-Set
1. Bulerías: 7 Cajón- / 1 Palmas-Tracks
2. Sevillana: 1 Cajón- / 1-Palmas-Tracks
(eine komplette Sevillana mit den traditionell festgelegten Bestandteilen ist vorgegeben).
3. Rumba: 5 Cajón- / 1-Palmas-Tracks
4. Alegrías: 5 Cajón- / 1 Palmas-Tracks
5. Fandango de Huelva: 3-Cajón- / 1-Palmas-Patterns (ein kompletter Fandanguillo mit den traditionell festgelegten Bestandteilen ist vorgegeben).
6. Siguiriyas: 3 Cajón- / 1-Palmas-Tracks
7. Tangos: 4 Cajón- / 1-Palmas-Tracks
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Here, GarageBand demonstrates the difference between a loop and a software instrument. Loops can only be compressed or stretched to a certain degree. Tempo changes are only possible to a small extent. If you reduce the tempo drastically, the loop is totally unusable. If the tempo of the software instrument is reduced, the instrument will logically play slower, but the events will always sound the same, regardless of the tempo.
The software instrument is much better suited for percussion. The instrument is shown with a keyboard to which the events, i.e. the various notes of the cajón, are assigned. How the events are shifted on the vertical pitch axis, as well as on the horizontal time axis. The velocity of each note or event. Editing in the notation window.
The instrument can, of course, be addressed via an external midi device, since the events are midi events. However, the input can also be made via the computer keyboard.
Here, a Compás sequence (Cuadrado) is used to demonstrate the division of half-, one-, or two-bar patterns (Patrones), with repetitions and ending (Cierre).
Regions are the basic elements of a project. With each recording or input, a region is created. The regions here are divided into half-, full-, or two-bar patterns. A region can be looped, copied and of course moved all over. Here you can see how a rhythm can be changed by moving the events.
You can also see how any rhythm can be created in the piano roll. How the whole thing sounds depends on timing and especially on the dynamics of how the individual notes are played or edited.
Here you can shift and copy without end, there are virtually no limits to creativity.
The main controls in GarageBand's channel strip are the volume slider, the pan wheel, and the speaker icon.
If you open the info window, the various effect slots appear. You can see the instrument itself, a compressor, and an equalizer. Clicking on the respective button opens the effect settings. The equalizer can be easily adjusted with the mouse in the different frequency ranges.
In the lower area there are send controls for the master channel. Here the reverb can be controlled, which then applies to all tracks. If one wants further track effects, these can be selected from the menu. In the track reverb from the output volume, the reverb volume, the coloration, and the reverb duration can be controlled.
Here the cajon track is arranged using a guitar pilot track. It is a bulerías falseta with a classic structure, i.e. pregunta, respuesta and desarollo, with a few bars of rhythm and a cierre (ending). First, a 12-bar compás is looped in the cajón track, where the cajón plays an alternation, changing from 6/8 to 3/4 time. You can also talk about binary and ternary time here. How and when the binary or ternary groove is played can be seen and heard very clearly here.
The ready-made project files save you the time-consuming task of creating your own patterns or rhythm patterns. Once opened in GarageBand iOS, you can immediately add an audio track and start recording. By moving, chaining and repeating patterns, you can create your own arrangements or use different patterns in the loop as a practice template.
Compatible with iOs 18.1
GarageBand iOS Project-Set
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GarageBand iOS - Sound Packs
If the notice appears that the sound package Percusionists is missing, it can be downloaded for free (see the adjacent video instruction) from Apple.
Logic X Pro 11 and MacOS Seqouia 15.x compatibel.
The ready-made project files save the tedious creation of your own patterns, or rhythm patterns. After opening them in Logic, you can immediately add an audio track and start recording. By moving, chaining, repeating patterns, you can create your own arrangements, or use different patterns in the loop as an exercise template.
System requirements: Logic Pro X 10.3.2 or higher. Compatible with MacOS Seqouia 15.x, Logic Pro 11.x
Logic Projekt Set
Min: Logic Pro X 10.3.2
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Content: 1 Sevillana
Content: 4 bar loop (no arrangement). Guitar track in the background, different Palmas tracks, and single cajón patterns.
Content: 6-bar loop in estribillo (no arrangement). Reduced volume of guitar track, different palmas tracks (starts with palmas and tacon), with/without cajón, cajón solo.
Contents: Reduced guitar, different palmas tracks, different cajón tracks, with/without palmas, with/without cajón.
Is only included in the Logic set.
The Cajón Beats Set 3 contains 5 templates, or project files: Latino with 2 grooves from Tango Argentino and Milonga. Caribe with 5 styles from the Caribbean music area - Colombiana, Habanera, Cha-Cha-Cha, Merengue/Beguine, Lambada. BossaNova and Samba in typical Brazilian instrumentation. 2n4Beats contains modern beats from Afro-American popular music - Funky, Jaeger, NuJazz, Ballad, Smokey, Smoothie, Nubop. All tracks were created with EXS24 instruments and loops from Apple library and ported to Halion 4.
System requirements: Logic 10.3.2 or higher, (optional) factory EXS24 instruments and JamPacks.
Caribe: Colombiana, Habanera, Cha-Cha-Cha, Merengue, Beguine, Lambadoble
Bossa Nova: Cajón Tracks, Track 1: Guitar Bass, Track 2:, Bossa Piano/Bass
Samba: Cajón Tracks, Guitar/Bass Tracks
Latino: Tango Argentino, Milonga
2n4Beats: 7 Folders, 1: Funky, 2: Jaeger, 3: NuJazz, 4: Ballad, 5: Smokey, 6: Smoothie, 7: Nubop
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