Süßer die Glocken nie klingen (Nunca suenan las Campanas)
Release-Date: 13. 12. 2023
Smart Link MusicHub (All Platforms)
EP: Guitarra Flamenca Barroca
1. Tanguillos La Caleta
2. Zambra Amouna,
3. Cumbées,
4. Dona Nobis Pacem
Release-Date: 04. 10. 2023
Smart Link MusicHub (All Platforms)
'One Title Edition': Cumbées
Flamencolitos - Easy (Schell-Music, Hamburg)
DVD for Flamenco Guitar School Volume 1/2 will be replaced by HD-Videos and workshops on video learning platform (Schott-Music, Mainz).
Relaunch Flamenco Gitarrenschule Band 1/2 . Schott-Music, Mainz. The audio CD will be replaced by mp3 download.
Digital-Publication: FlamencoReloj: 30 mp4-Clips.
'One Title Edition': Nunca Suenan las Campanas
'One Title Edition': Pena Penita
Closure of his wife Lela de Fuenteprado's Flamenco-Studios
International Flamencogitarren-Workshop in Schorndorf.
Back on stage after a 10-year break due to illness.
Foundation of Graf-Martinez-Trio mit José Fortes (Perkussion + Dance) und Andy Kemmer (Fretless-Bass).
International Flamencogitarren-Workshop in Schorndorf.
Flamenco Guitar Technics Vol. 1 - Arpegios, Rasgueados (NotaBlanca-Verlag)
Flamenco Guitar Technics Vol. 2 - Picados, Escalas, Ligados (NotaBlanca-Verlag)
Flamenco Guitar Technics Vol. 3 - Acordes, Cadencias (NotaBlanca-Verlag)
Beginn mit Unterricht via Video-Chat.
„Gipsy Guitar“ - CD-ROM (Multi-Media-Application with Videos and mediaplayer), (Schott Music - Mainz)
Flamenco Gitarreschule Band 1 + 2 (Schott Music - Mainz, London, New York, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Tokyo)
Docent at the „Int. Gitarrenwoche“ Salzburg
Docent at the „Int. Gitarrenwoche“ Lienz (Austria).
Art director and docent at the „Schorndorfer Gitarrentage“.
Organised Flamenco guitar classes with Andrés Batista (Real Conservatorio Madrid) in his hometown Schorndorf.
Organised Flamenco guitar classes with Andrés Batista (Real Conservatorio Madrid) in his hometown Schorndorf.
Site Owner
Gerhard Graf-Martinez
Theodor-Baeuerle-Weg 9
73660 Urbach
Fon +49 (0)7181 480 90 25
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